Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wiki team and topic

Ethics and Law in New Media

Our team of five (Kairi, Kerstin, Kristo, Mehrnoosh, Valeria) has decided to take a deeper look into virtual worlds, such as Second Life (SL). Some of us have tried it, some aren't. I personally have no experience in attending virtual parties or events whatsoever. So, surprised by how many of you have peeked into your second life, my interest grew.

And a few questions arose: How far does the virtual life take us? And how soon? And how much do we feel like letting it co-exist with our non-virtual world? The first thing I noticed opening the SL homepage was the invitation to "escape to the Internet's largest 3D virtual world community". But do we want to escape? What do we want to escape from? What about real life, real events, real friends?

Mehrnoosh threw in an intriguing question: Is real life turning to a second life?

Valeria said she knows people who have lost themselves in the debt of virtual reality. One of them, for instance, spent a lot of money and many holidays on Wow. In her own words, till this day the most romantic thing that ever happened to her was in a Wow environment (watching a virtual sunset with a boy from a LAN party).

Kerstin has some experience with Second Life from her Bachelor's studies as part of a course, but she is interested in learning more about the background.

Kristo suggested to structure the paper based on past, present and future (that is, our theory and thoughts of the future).

So we all agreed!

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