Monday, October 4, 2010

iHelp for Autism

SF Weekly, the free alternative weekly newspaper in San Francisco, California, recently published an article about 9-year old Leo Rosa, a boy with intense autism, and his positive encounter with an iPad. "With the iPad, Leo electrifies the air around him with independence and daily new skills," said his mother Shannon.

Since the iPad's unveiling in April, autism experts and parents have brought it into countless homes and classrooms around the world. Developers have begun pumping out applications specifically designed for users with special needs, and initial studies are already measuring the effectiveness of the iPod Touch and the iPad as learning tools for children with autism. Through the devices, some of these children have been able to communicate their thoughts to adults for the first time. Others have learned life skills that had eluded them for years.

Though there are other computers designed for children with autism, a growing number of experts say that the iPad is better. It's cheaper, faster, more versatile, more user-friendly, more portable, more engaging, and infinitely cooler for young people.

Leo has plenty of toys, including this circular balance beam, but nothing tops the iPad.

View more photographs in the iHelp for Autism slideshow.

The article by Ashley Harrell can be found here.

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